
The Pros and Cons of a Digitized Work Culture

The incorporation of new technologies into the workplace has allowed organizations to undertake time- and cost-saving initiatives. Add to that the swelling ranks of a workforce favorably inclined to a digital work culture, and organizations want to seamlessly integrate emergent technologies within existing infrastructures.

However, is a digitized workplace the Utopian solution that it is touted to be, or do the dynamics of tech-driven work spaces present more challenges than we realize? Let us find out.


Digitization has definitely yielded many benefits for the 21st century workforce. These include:

  • A mobile work culture with minimal barriers
  • Automation of repetitive, manual tasks
  • A mobility-led, device-driven work culture
  • Enhanced and simplified workplace communication
  • Clutter-free, cloud-driven IT infrastructure


At the same time there have been significant challenges that have hindered the adoption of technology at the enterprise level.

Mechanization of Progress

AI and machine learning technologies are gradually taking over iterative tasks from employees. This trend is gradually bringing about a process of human redundancy. Future generations will have to identify new skills areas to replace the being mechanized.

Security Concerns

With the increasing adoption of cloud, anytime-anywhere employee access to sensitive data has become easier. At the same time, the ever-present threat of data breaches has also risen steadily. With cyber-attacks growing in sophistication, the lack of control over regulated and controlled information has become very apparent.

Decreasing Human Touch

Excessive involvement of technology in business can lead to the loss of the human element along with an increased risk of legal liabilities.

Training Gap

With technological advancements making their way into businesses processes, the need for organizations to upskill their employees is more important than ever. But when the correct training is not delivered, employees are unable to apply the right solutions at the right time, thus hindering business and still remaining ignorant about correct technological know-how.

While the digital revolution has transformed the workplace forever, it is still essential to think of technology as a tool and not as a replacement for humans. The key is to find the perfect balance between man and machine so that both can coexist in a mutually beneficial relationship.

Machine Learning
Human Resources
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