
Using the Potential of Digital Technologies for Efficacy of HR Functions

According to a survey, over 64% of business leaders in the Asia Pacific are concerned about the availability of adequately skilled candidates. Sixty three percent also believe the next three to five years will lead to capability shortages within organizations. Enter Digital HR – a strategy that can transform human resources beyond mere automated skill mapping. It is a tech-driven approach that leverages new tools to make HR more effective and intuitive in its decision-making and hiring processes. The result is a human resources department that is equipped to contribute to business growth. The components of Digital HR include the following:

Employee Engagement

Organizations are looking to delight, satisfy, and engage employees just like they do their customers. As a survey reveals, employee engagement is 64% higher due to digital workforce enablement. This means a large portion of HR services will have to be device-enabled to meet employee needs.

Transforming Organizational Culture

Businesses must confront the fact that for new generations, the concept of a physical workplace itself is becoming a redundant concept. These are digital natives used to communicating via virtual channels. Through Digital HR, human resources can become the standard bearers of cultural change that encourages enterprises to meet employees on a virtual turf.

Empowering Employees

Digital HR leads to greater transparency. Tasks such as compensation and talent management, recruitment, and strategy creation can be directly handled by employees and managers. This allows them to be in greater control of their careers and contribute on the indicators that matter.

Attracting Talent via Digital Channels

Most prospective employees use social tools for job seeking activities. Unsurprisingly, a high percentage of companies who leveraged popular social media channels for recruitment reported a greater rate of success in attracting and retaining well qualified candidates.

Providing Useful Insights

Digital HR allows the seamless integration of real-time employee data and inbuilt analytical capabilities to glean meaningful insights. Through its robust foundation in data analysis, it can even shed light on critical operational matters that could arise in the future.

Becoming a Key Decision-Maker

According to a report, “The use of KPIs (key performance indicators) has a strong correlation with the strategic role of HR.” HR continues to play a limited role in the actual formulation of enterprise strategy. With Digital HR, however, the ability to generate quantifiable performance results are gaining HR leaders a seat at the decision-making table.

digital transformation
employee engagement
organizational culture
Human Resources
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